The Typical 2
I’ve always heard that there are two ways to focus on thankfulness:
- Keep track of what I’m thankful for (i.e. in a gratitude journal)
- Share my gratitude with those for whom I’m thankful (i.e. by writing a thank-you note)
A New (for Me) #3
But over the last month, I’ve discovered a new way — new for me, at least! — to focus on thankfulness.
I’ve been asking people this question throughout the day:
“What’s one thing you’re thankful for right now?”
And I marvel at the diversity, the depth, the humor, and the honesty of each answer.
Each time, I think, “Me, too!” or “Oh, yeah!” or “I’d forgotten!” or “That’s so true” or “That reminds me of ____!”
Others’ Gratitude Triggers My Thanks-Living
I’ve started writing down other people’s answers in my gratitude journal and then adding my response.
Here are a few examples with answers from adults:
- Our son got a job today after looking forever!!! (Me: My daughter is applying to go to Italy for her final year of college!)
- My good friend is visiting today. (Me: I spent some time Thursday morning with a good friend I don’t get to see much during the school year.)
- Honestly, my morning coffee. (Me: Honestly, my morning coffee.)
- God’s mercy. (Me: ditto…plus patience and promises!)
- My new friend. (Me: An acquaintance that is turning into a dear friend.)
- My son not needing a third shot for his ear infection. (Me: My husband staying healthy despite stress, lack of sleep, and a nasty bug making the rounds!)
And if you want to have some “serious fun,” ask kids!
- My 13 year old son is grateful that he got a new release video game for 10% off. (Me: My new Coldwater Creek skirt that I could not possibly justify buying at full-price three months ago but that I was more than happy to buy at 40% off the 40% off! LOVE wearing it…!)
- My 4 year old in PreK said he was thankful for Mommy’s car. (Me: That my car made it to San Jose despite a bad tire; that roadside service came in 25 minutes when I found said tire flat as a pancake.)
- My 14 year old said, “Everything, Mom. Every breath!” (Me: The reminder to be thankful for every breath!)
- Evan, age 7: “Legos” (Me: Fond memories of the Lego years and the American Girl doll years.)
FREE Grow Your Gratitude Journal Starter
Want more? Download your FREE “Grow Your Gratitude” journal starter, with 7 pages of thanks-living trigger answers from adults and kids to get you going!
Then develop the habit of asking people throughout the day, every day: “What’s one thing you’re thankful for right now?”
Have a Happy Thanks-Living…Thursday and every day!
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