What If…

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What If

What if: You found out that by staying at home and raising your children, yet accomplishing nothing that can be seen or noted at the time, you found out that the job you did really mattered?

What if: By working your job day by day and finding it toilsome, you found out that your simple presence and hard work had greatly impacted another individual?

What if: by taking time to patiently listen to the ramblings of an older person, you found that because of that person you became a better person and even used some of the “ramblings” to springboard to new ideas and even great ones?

What if: You found out that a tiny newborn baby named Jesus was God wrapped in flesh and by believing in Him, you would have peace?

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

“And He will be their peace.” Micah 5:5

What if: You found that everything you ever heard about success and greatness was not so, that the last really would be the first…that the weak of this world really would confound the strong?

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Matthew 20:16

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1 Corinthians 1:27

What if: The choices you made today really amounted to something good and lasting tomorrow, impacting future generations?

What if: Your words themselves prevented wars? Your ideas inspired a way to feed the poor, cure the sick and restore joy to those who have grown bitter?

What if: By forgiving someone else, you were actually setting yourself free?

What if: It really did matter what you thought about?

What if: This was your very last day to live…what would you do differently, say differently, think differently? What would you choose: television or reading to your kids? Calling an old friend or doing the laundry? Going for a walk by yourself or talking with your spouse? Spending money on yourself or giving a gift to others?

What if you took the time right this second to close your eyes and whisper a prayer to God, asking Him to direct your paths and make them straight…and it completely changed the course? Go for it. You have time!

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Stephanie Shott
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