A Broken Mother’s Day Blessing

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“Mom,” his voice echoes with emotion knowing that he may not have another month with her. 

“Mommy!” his voice echoes through doors crying for arms to comfort him after a bad dream.

“Mom,” she whispers over and over as she looks at the tiny bundle in her arms.

Mom, the title rattles in her heart and mind, I just want to be a mom. 

“Mom?!” sarcasm drips from her words as she relives how her mother wronged her.

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate mothers and motherhood.

We paste saintly names to broken women who never tried.

And talk of the beauty of motherhood to those who long to bear that burden, but can’t.

Others just long to speak to their moms just one more time.

Grieving they weep over empty arms, cribs, chairs.

Some women mourn over what they have given up or let go.

There are those who do not know that Mother’s Day can be so painful and sing the praises of their wonderfully imperfect moms.

But it is painful – beautifully painful.

It is a day we honor birth moms for giving up babies and adoptive moms for physically loving ones birth moms could not.

And we say thank you to imperfect moms who with God’s grace stumble through motherhood and get back up.

Can we see Mother’s Day this way?

A beautiful mess of glorious motherhood…painful memories…intense longing…wondering if this is the last one…broken, but beautiful.

And those in the trenches of motherhood doing the soul wrenching work of raising people…boys to men, girls to women…need applause, encouragement, support.

So here is a broken Mother’s Day blessing for all of us broken messy people.

God bless the moms who in faltering steps long to bring up boys and girls to know You and honor Your Word.

Father strengthen the single moms who are trying to be both mom and dad. Encourage them and abundantly supply their needs.

Holy Spirit comfort those who mourn this day – mourn their choices, their condition, their loss, or their mother’s choices. Give them peace as they grieve.

Lord Jesus be near the moms who have come to the end of themselves – those who cannot take one more step down the journey of motherhood. Lord may they lay their burdens at Your feet for Your load is easy and Your burden is light.

Great Physician heal the wounds of those who need to forgive. Help them to let go of their hurt and anger that You may work out forgiveness in their hearts.

Almighty God gives each mom beauty for brokenness, strength for tears, and wisdom for every step of the way.


Stephanie Shott
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