During this time of the year I can’t help but think back over the year and try to remember. I try to see the growth and remember the milestones.
It is marked in jeans that no longer fit and cheeks that are not as full as they once were.
The year slips by and I see the changes in my kids – they get older and I don’t even notice sometimes. Other times I see it and try to capture the moments.
A giggle shared.
A dream dreamed.
A secreted whispered.
A “you are the best mommy” shouted.
All too often I miss those seconds as they slip by one day at a time. And I don’t want to wish time away…I want to enjoy each moment – the gloriously wonderful, the gloriously difficult, and all the crazy sameness in between.
And so as this year ends and the new one begins I want to learn to enjoy every moment. I want to remember that each day – the days that drag by and the moments of blessed joy – are all gifts from God. I don’t want to waste a single one.
When frustrations come I pray to train my children in patience and grace.
When my heart aches over words, actions, choices, or directions I pray I spend time on my knees before I speak. I pray for the right amount of grace and justice
And when my soul is weary I pray for encouragement and perspective to see God’s hand working in my life and the lives of my children.
What mothering goals are you working towards this new year?
- Ch…ch…ch…CHANGES Are Coming in 2017 for TMI - December 27, 2016
- What New Thing Are You Ready to See God Do in Your Life in 2017? - December 26, 2016
- Heaviness and Newness - December 23, 2016